Tex-Mechs – Level Design
Tutorial Level

As the sole designer of the Tutorial Level, I designed the layout, crafted the world, built all tutorial sequences, implemented all combat encounters, and set dressed the level.
The player’s objective is to travel along the edge of a canyon and reach the end of the level. Along the way, the player picks up his first two weapons and encounters his first enemies.
I had three main goals in designing the Tutorial Level: to teach the game’s weapons and mechanics, to introduce the Soldier and Grunt enemies, and to establish the overall feel of the game’s combat.
Another major design goal of mine was to use diegetic teaching in order to uphold immersion and prevent information overload.
Mechanics to Teach |
1. Movement & Looking |
2. Charge Attack |
3. Pistol Weapon |
4. Stomp Attack |
5. Flamethrower Weapon |
Teaching Mechanics Diegetically
Movement & Looking
Like in most First-Person Shooters, the player moves and looks around by using WASD and the Mouse (Left and Right Stick on consoles).
When the player first enters the level, they naturally want to follow the road towards the sign. After seeing that their path is blocked, the player is forced to look around to find their next destination.
When the player looks around, they also catch a glimpse of the second half of the tutorial level. By telegraphing areas where they will end up, the player can establish a mental map of the level more easily.
Charge Attack
The Charge attack is a short dash forward that can also be used to plow through enemies. After being used, the ability goes on a brief cooldown.
For this tutorial sequence, I designed a short gap which the player only cross using the Charge. If the player messes up, they land in a safe area below and can climb up to try again.
To demonstrate how the Charge can be used as an attack, I placed a dummy Soldier enemy for the player Charge through. Additionally, this also teaches the player that these NPCs are enemies.
Pistol Weapon
The first weapons the player receives are the Pistols. Each pistol holds twelve shots and can be fired independantly using the LMB and RMB.
After the player picks up the pistols, I had two enemies spawn a safe distance away from them. The best way to teach the pistols’ behavior was to give the player an opportunity to use them immediately after acquiring them.
Additionally, this area also shows how enemy AI can spawn by burrowing out of the ground.
Stomp Attack
The Stomp attack is an Area of Effect melee attack that kills all bugs around the player within a short radius.
By spawning a large group of enemies right in front of the player, it gives the player an immediate opportunity to use the Stomp in its ideal scenario. The player can also gauge the attack’s range by seeing which bugs are unaffected by the Stomp.
Flamethrower Weapon
The second weapons the player receives are the Flamethrowers. The Flamethrowers are short-range weapons that light enemies on fire, causing them to panic and scurry around randomly while dying.
After getting the Flamethrowers, the player gets to test them out in the game’s first major combat encounter. By having enemies spawn right in front of the player, the player is encouraged to use the Flamethrowers and learn how they work in combat.
Riverbed Level

As the sole designer of the Riverbed Level, I designed the layout, crafted the world, implemented all combat encounters, and set dressed the level.
The player’s objective is to pickup the Combine Launchers and destroy the three dirt mounds. Each time the player destroys a mound, it triggers its own combat encounter. After destroying all three mounds, the path leading out of the level is unlocked. The player also encounters the Spitter enemy for the first time here.
The two main goals for the Riverbed Level were to introduce the Combine Launcher and introduce the Spitter enemies.